In-Depth Day 1 TFT Set 7 Comp List/Meta Prediction [12.11]

2022-06-11 00:20:15 By : Mr. Camby Huang

Keep me signed in until I sign out

Hi everyone, welcome to TGH’s first TFT Set 7 Tier List/Meta Predictions! This tier list is curated and written by Trade, a player who has been Challenger since Set 4 and peaked 1400 LP rank 3 last set! Trade has had the pleasure to playtest Set 7 before it came out on PBE, and has been grinding PBE Challenger in-houses since its release! 

His LoLCHESS can be found here.

His Twitch streams can be caught live here.

As a bit of a preamble, the PBE and playtesting meta is ALWAYS vastly different from the live meta. Trade is basing this list on his PBE experiences and predictions regarding the huge changes before the patch hits live. The first few days of the meta will always be very unstable and Trade’s meta predictions will always have room for error. Remember to experiment, innovate, and just use his list as a rough guideline! Without further ado, let’s get into it!

*S+ tier comps are reserved for capping a board at 9 after high-rolling and specific interactions/situations, do not force these comps but be aware that they are incredibly powerful with the right setup.

Mage Aurelion Sol is probably one of the strongest late-game caps in the game due to the fact that his spell scales off his numbers of casts, making mage spat exceptional on him. Asol can be played with any strong front-line and CC units. Every unit can be flexed except Asol, Zoe, Lulu, and Bard. Asol can be played with 5 Mage or 4 Evoker. Ryze can be replaced with Lillia or Sylas and paired with 4 Bruisers, 5 Mage, or Cavaliers with Hecarim. Best-in-slot Asol is probably Mage Spat, Healing (Bloodthirster, Hand of Justice, Gunblade), and Mana (Shojin/Rageblade). Damage items like Giant Slayer, Deathcap, Shiv, and Jewelled Gauntlet are also great. 

*Note: As of posting this article, Mage Asol has had a couple of bugs band-aid hotfixed until 12.2 Mage Asol will likely still be strong, but perhaps not as overtly oppressive as he was on PBE.

The Dragon’s Alliance/Horde augment allows a player to run multiple Dragon units and still keep their traits. They also get a small bonus in stats. The comp is incredibly strong and is a really powerful way to cap out your late-game board; however, it requires one of the Dragon augments as well as a fair amount of gold to fully 2* the board. Typically a player should only take this augment if they can reach level 8 with a respectable amount of gold (60+) as they will need to sell their entire board and replace them with dragons and good supporting units. Any of the Dragons can be carried depending on which Dragons the player successfully two-stars and has items for; the four costs usually do the best as the five costs often need to be enabled with more units. Best-in-slot Daeja is probably Rageblade, Quicksilver, and a damage item (Giant Slayer, Deathpcap, Gunblade, etc.) Best-in-slot Shi Oh Yu and Daeja are probably Titan’s, Bloodthirster, and Quicksilver but any AD/Tank items will do great. Best-in-slot Idas is just full tank items (Redemption, Stoneplate, Dragon’s Claw, Warmog’s, etc.) If running Idas be sure to run Leona as well, as she provides Mirage and Guardian. Whisper Emblem on Daeja is S+++ tier as every single one of his autos stack it three times. The weird positioning is due to the Jade Statue in the middle. 

Similar to Mage Asol, 4 Evoker aims to stall and Perma-CC the enemy team until Asol one-shots the entire enemy board. 4 Evoker + Bard is core; all of the other units can be replaced. Front-line can be flexed between Shapeshifters, Cavaliers, Bruisers and Guardians — anything tanky and providing CC will be perfect. At level 9, add more utility or front-line. Best-in-slot Asol is Shojin, Healing, Damage. Rageblade/RFC is also good to help him cast more. 

Yasuo is the premier 5-cost AD Carry this set. He’s incredibly powerful and super flexible as either a carry or a splash unit. He can be run with any other units; typically the only trait a player needs to enable Yasuo is 2 Warrior. Players can also run him with Dragonmancers and/or Mirage. Typically the game plan should revolve around playing an AD four-cost carry (Xayah, Corki, Shi Oh Yu, Syfen) and simply pivoting the items onto Yasuo once he is two-starred. Best-in-slot is probably Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, and Quicksilver, but any AD, Tank and Bruiser items work amazing on him. 

Pyke is the other 5-cost AD carry. He is super powerful with IE + healing, and is an incredibly flexible unit. Run him with at least 2 Whisper and 2 Assassin, but other than that, he can be flexed into most comps. Depending on what a player hits, can Pyke can be run with 2-8 Whispers, 2-6 Assassin, and 2-6 Bruiser. Supporting units such as Lulu, Sona, Bard, and Soraka also pair incredibly with him. Itemize him with an Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster and Quicksilver; EoN, Blue Buff, and any other AD/survivability items are also great on him.

The most recent patch gave Assassins (namely Talon, Kayn, and Pyke) a few buffs. On PBE, Diana already seemed like a relatively solid comp. In addition, Assassins are almost always the best units at the beginning of a set, where players are unable to make quick transitions and strongly cap out boards. This board is super flexible and can be run with Bruisers, Guardians, or Cavaliers (Ornn, Shen, Olaf; Thresh, Braum; Lilia Nunu; respectively). The board can also be run with Talon + Guild. Reroll all 2-cost units at 6 and 3-cost units at 7. Best-in-slot Diana is probably IE, Titans, and Hand of Justice, but items like Bloodthirster, Gunblade, Deathcap, Giant’s Slayer, Deathcap, and Quicksilver are all fantastic. 

Ao Shin plays super similarly to Viktor from the last set. Stick him in with an extra tempest unit plus any front-line and utility. The supporting board doesn’t really matter as long as it stalls long enough for him to cast. Units like Bard, Sona, Soraka, Lulu, and any powerful front-line are really good. Best-in-slot items are probably Shojin, healing (BT/Gunblade/HOJ) + damage (Deathcap, GS, Archangel, etc.) Any damage and mana items will always be good on him. Healing is really good on him to guarantee that he finishes his cast. 

Shi Oh Yu was a powerful unit on PBE that has not been nerfed like the rest of the four costs, so Trade speculates that he will be incredibly powerful on release. Thus why this comp is so high on the TFT Set 7 Tier List. He can be run with 6-9 Jade, as well as any powerful supporting units and front-line. He is incredibly powerful early game, and the tempo will allow a player to cap out their board by pivoting into strong supporting units or a different carry. His best-in-slot will probably consist of Titans, Bloodthirster, and Quicksilver, but any AD, Bruiser, and Tank items will do great on him (Warmog’s and Dragon’s Claw are especially good).

Corki carry is a super flexible four-cost carry and despite his nerfs will probably still be pretty strong. The front line in this comp is super flexible, and can be replaced with Shapeshifters, Cavaliers, Ragewing (Senna, Hecarim, Shen) or simply a solo-frontline synergy-less Idas. Simply run whatever supporting units are two-starred. Best-in-slot Corki is probably Deathblade, Giant Slayer, and Last Whisper, but any AD item’s will work really well on him. Rageblade also works pretty well; it probably isn’t best-in-slot but works fine on him as his ulti will stack it five times and it allows you to also flex other four-costs like Xayah and Daeja. If Revel rockets can crit (unconfirmed), then the IE +JG combo is probably a respectable combination on him. 

Xayah is another extremely flexible four-cost carry like Corki. The front-line in this comp is pretty flexible but be sure to run at least three Ragewing. Ezreal can be swapped for Twitch, but Trade thinks that the board-wide stun and % HP damage are pretty relevant late-game; in addition, Twitch often holds Xayah items so a player is likely to sell Twitch anyway. A player can opt to run 6 or 9 Ragewing by teching in Shyvana, but Trade usually will not run Shyvana until she is two-starred or he is level 9. Best-in-slot Xayah is probably Quicksilver, Rageblade, and Giant’s Slayer but any AD items work great on her.

Daeja plays pretty similarly to Set 4 Kayle and is also pretty flexible, making it higher up on this TFT Set 7 Tier List. The only trait you really want for him is four Mirage, usually in the form of Nunu. Run any powerful supporting units alongside him with a strong front-line. Best-in-slot is probably Rageblade, Quicksilver, and Giant’s Slayer; however, any attack speed items, AP items as well as Gunblade will work fantastically on him. The best Mirage variants are the Duelist one, the AP on attack one, and the Warlord one. 

Legend Ornn can be a really powerful comp but takes an extremely long-time and specific itemization to come online. This comp is pretty unique on the TFT Set 7 Tier List and essentially sacrifices as many resources as possible to make Ornn an extremely powerful carry. Stack Neeko with as many Chalices as possible, Volibear with excess carry items, and Ornn with either the IE JG Combo or tank items such as Redemption, Spark, Titan’s, and Warmogs. The point of the comp is that Neeko gives AP to Ornn and Volibear; Neeko then copies Volibear, gaining his AP from Dragonmancer and the Chalices, and is subsequently sacrificed to Ornn, giving him lots of health and the damage to 1v9. Position as shown, with Anivia eating Ashe and Ornn eating Neeko. Switch sides accordingly to keep Ornn on the opposite side of the enemy team’s carry. 

The Sy’Fen comp is extremely straightforward and somewhat flexible. Run Syfen with 4-8 Bruiser, 4-8 Whispers, and any other strong supporting units depending on what a player ends up two-starring (Pyke, Tempest, Lulu, Sona, Bard, Soraka, etc.) Itemize Sy’Fen with Titan’s, Bloodthirster, and Quicksilver/Warmogs or more damage (like Deathblade). Zeke’s are really good in this comp as attack speed on Syfen will stop him from dying mid-cast. This comp was extremely broken on PBE but will probably still be decent despite huge nerfs to the Whisper trait. 

Olaf is a pretty powerful unit to reroll, especially if a player ever receives him before 2-1 via a box. A player can open for stage 2 and early stage 3 by prioritizing econ and stacking Olaf, then rolling on 3-5, level 7 to two-star the entire board. Econ back up and slow-roll to three-star all the three-costs. Lillia and Braum can be replaced with Yasuo and Yone. Best-in-Slot Olaf is probably Quicksilver, Bloodthirster, and Runaan’s but any AD and Attack Speed items (Titan’s, Deathblade, Infinity Edge, Giant’s Slayer, Rageblade, Rapidfire, Edge of Night) will do amazing. 

Ryze is an extremely powerful unit but requires pretty specific itemization to come online. He definitely needs a Shojin at the bare minimum. Healing items such as Gunblade are also very good. Due to the nature of his in-fight scaling, Rageblade and Archangel’s are very powerful items on him, but any damage items such as Deathcap, GS, HOJ, etc. are very good on him. A player can opt to run him with any front-line (bruisers with Sylas or Cavs with Lillia). Units such as Bard, Sona, and Lulu can also be flexed to run 5-7 mage instead. Try to not run Jewelled Gauntlet Ryze with only 3 mages, even with IE. Reroll all the three costs at 7, and replace Ornn with Illaoi if a player manages to three-star Illaoi. 

Tristana Reroll is extremely powerful with the right opener and often manages to decimate the enemy backline through residual damage before even killing the front line. Reroll on 6 for Tristana, Jinx, and Shen. If a player manages to hit a lot of one-costs, they can also opt to reroll Tahm Kench and Senna. Best-in-slot Tristana is probably Deathblade, Rageblade, and Giant’s Slayer, but all AD items will work great (IE, LW, Hurricane, etc.) If a player hits Mage spat and an early Nomsy, reroll Heimerdinger and put Mage spat on Tristana

On PBE, Twitch was an incredibly powerful carry, and he will hopefully remain a powerful carry coming on to live (he is incredibly fun). Reroll him at 6 to three-star Twitch, Ashe, Lillia, and potentially Ryze and Sejuani. The comp is very flexible and easy to pilot. As a player levels, they can simply run more Guild units, flex Sona/Bard/Lulu, or run more Swiftshots, Cavaliers, or whatever else a player may want to run. Best-in-slot Twitch probably consists of Rageblade, Deathblade, and Giant’s Slayer, but any AD and Attack Speed items will do fantastic on him. 

Yone Reroll’s power is pretty largely dependent on the Mirage variation. His best Mirage Traits are probably Duelist and Spellsword. Dawnbringer, Warlord, and Electrocharge are acceptable for him as well. Yone’s supporting board is pretty flexible, as one can run him with vertical Mirage, wider with Guardian’s, or with Cavaliers. If rerolling Guardians, reroll Leona, Thresh, Braum along with Yone. When rerolling Bruisers, a player can opt to reroll Shen, Olaf, Sylas, and Illaoi. If rerolling Cavs, a player can reroll Lillia, Sejuani, and potentially even Twitch for Guild. Alternatively, a player can choose to play vertical Mirage and use Yone as a holder to rush for Daeja or Yasuo carry. 

Elise is a unit that can be extremely fun to play and extremely unfun to play against. With the correct itemization, she can literally 1v9, repeatedly getting resets until the fight is over. Due to the AP stacking nature of Whispers, her best-in-slot is probably IE, JG, and HOJ/BT, but survivability items such as Titans Resolve and Quicksilver may be really good as well. A player may find themselves bleeding hard in the mid-game before they are able to hit three-star Elise and one-shot a unit every cast. The weird positioning is due to Jade Statue. 

Dragonmancers are super flexible, as rerolling Dragonmancers revolve around a very similar comp. Which Dragonmancer a player carries will strongly depend on what items a player has and what they hit. Shown above is a pretty general 6 Dragonmancer board, but feel free to tech in Jade, Legend, Ragewings, Shapeshifters, Warriors, Mirages, Tempests etc. depending on which Dragonamncer is being carried. Lee is extremely good with healing, AP, and tank items such as Titan’s, Redemption, Bloodthirster, Archangel’s, Warmogs, etc. Swain would like items such as Rageblade, Quicksilver, Gunblade, Deathcap, etc. Volibear would like Quicksilver, Rageblade, and Bloodthirster, but items such as Gunblade, Deathcap, Archangel, Titan’s, and Warmogs are all probably fine on him. Yasuo can be used as a primary or secondary carry in all of these comps with a couple of AD, Tank, or Mana items. 

Nami is a pretty powerful unit that can scale really well into a fight with a really powerful front-line. A player may find themselves bleeding out really hard due to Nami’s long cast-time and inability to kill units in the early game, but with a solid front-line (Illaoi/Sylas 3), Nami is strong enough to keep her front-line alive forever. Best-in-slot Nami is probably Shojin, Deathcap, Deathcap but since 4 rods may be hard to get, any AP and damage items will work well with her. Stack Sylas with tank items such as Redemption, Warmogs, and Spark. 

Similar to Nami, Varus reroll uses early Astral to get ahead in econ and to stabilize by two-starring units. He also struggles to kill units early game but provides incredible damage and CC once itemized and three-starred. His best-in-slot is probably Deathblade, Rageblade, and Giant’s Slayer but all AD and Attack Speed items work well on him. 

Talon is a super flexible four-cost carry that can essentially be run with any board. The only traits he needs to function are 2 Assassins. He can be run with any front-line, supporting units, as well as more Assassins or more Guild units. Although his ability is a bit underwhelming, he shares fantastic typing with Bard and Pyke, allowing him to branch into literally any of the strong units such as Syfen, Sona-Lulu-Bard, Hecarim, Ornn, etc. His best-in-slot is probably Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, and Last Whisper but any AD items will do on him.

Nunu reroll can be incredibly powerful depending on the Mirage variant. Dawnbringer is by far his best one, while Electrocharge and Warlord are pretty acceptable as well. Best-in-slot is Warmogs, Titan’s, and Bloodthirster but all tank and healing items are great.

Ezreal was super broken on PBE, often out damaging two and even three-cost carries. The most recent patch has shot him down three pegs, and he will probably just be used as an item holder now. Blue, Archangel, and Gunblade are probably his best-in-slot, but IE and JG work great on him, as do all other AP and damage items.

Karma probably isn’t great but might be able to pop off with the right items and opener. Her best-in-slot is probably Blue, Gunblade, Deathcap/Archangel. Run her with 3-6 Jade, 3-6 Dragonmancer, and good supporting units. 

This comp probably sucks unless the Mirage variant is specifically Electrocharge. Healing items like Redemption and damage items like Spark are super high-value. 

Nidalee is probably best used as a tempo unit but can probably carry with the correct opener. Itemize her with Quicksilver, Rageblade, and Deathblade or other AD/Attack Speed Items. 

Sett and Senna are both super strong openers, but given Sett’s vulnerability as a melee carry and Senna’s single target DPS, they both fall off relatively quickly; however, with the right opener, a player may be able to reroll them and fast-9 before pivoting into a stronger carry. Regardless they are still pretty low of this TFT Set 7 Tier List. Sett likes items like Deathblade, Quicksilver, and Titan’s. Senna likes items such as Deathblade, Runaan’s, and Last Whisper. 

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